Big Red Adventure (Core Design/Dynabyte)

                       Walkthru by John Barnsley.


In the old Russia there was communism, queues, the Kremlin, the KGB, the
Cold  War  and....more  queues!   In the new Russia, things have changed
somewhat.   Now there is capitalism, KGB TV, McRomanov's Burgers and the
Super  Marx  brothers!!  In an attempt to make sense of this new Russia,
you  take  charge  of  Doug,  Dino  and Donna, solving problems, dodging
captors and gettinginto all sorts of crazy capers.

After  the  end  of  the communist regime, the Kremlin Palace - once the
seat  of Soviet power - was transformed into a museum.  In here are kept
the  most  important  relics of Russian history, including Tsar Ivan the
Horrible's  famous  crown.   As  you  join  the game, Doug, our hero, is
casing  the  joint  getting  ready to steal the prized crown of the Tsar
which  is  encrusted  with  diamonds,  pearls  and  open cheques!  Other
important  historical  items  live  within  these  halloed  walls.   Leo
Tallstory's  typewriter  which  he used to write his most famous novel -
"War  and Pacemaker".  Strabinsky's piano on which he composed the score
"The Firepig" is also on display, but the pick of the bunch is the focus
of Doug's attention as well as the large security presence.


                               Hotel Room

Back  in  the hotel, Doug examines the photos taken at the museum on the
grand  tour,  ready  to hatch a fiendish plot to steal the famous Tsar's
crown.   Using  your  inventory,  open  the  envelope  to  discover  the
photographs from the museum.  They have been developed as follows:

Picture 1: The crown picture shows the locations
           of the scanners.

Picture 2: Museum security at front door.

Picture 3: Museum roof and trapdoor.

Picture 4: Same gallery, but including one
           of the cameras.

Picture 5: Miss Glasnost 1993 at a fashion show
           in Red Square.

Now  examine  each  one  of  the photographs closely and go over to your
suitcase.  Pick up the suitcase using your inventory options and examine
the contents.  Here you will find a tape recorder and a tape measure for
use  later in the game.  Now move over to the desk with the TV set on it
and  pick up the camera and then the remote control, using it to turn on
the  TV.   You  will now be watching the end of the Matrioska Show.  The
show's  presenter, Stroganoff, will then tell you how to enter the show.
He  puts  up  an  open  invite to meet him at The Russian Doll Show.  To
play, you need only send the ticket from New Pravda, the local TV guide.
Before moving out of your room and into the foyer, pick up the TV aerial
and add it to your inventory.  Now exit to the hotel foyer.

                               The Foyer

In  the  hotel  foyer  pick up and take the rope on the wall next to the
entrance  to your room.  Now go over to the Porter and give him your key
before moving the cursor to the bottom of the screen to find the way way
out.   Once  outside  go  to  the  Newsagents.   Look at and buy all the

On  examination,  you  will  find  the  Encyclopedia of Opera has a free
cassette,  the  New  Pravda  has  your free ticket and the Capital has a
stamp.  Buy all these magazines by firstly talking to the Newsagent.  If
you  run out of cash, put the TV aerial on the scales to the left of the
stand and receive a further four rouble dollars.

Examine  the free ticket to find you will have to answer three questions
to qualify:

1. How many R's are there on the label of
   Dostoyevsky Caviar, the Muscovite's favourite?

2. What is the height, in cans of Vodkacola, of the
   statue of Karl Marx which stands in Red Square?

3. What is the weight of the Great Bear, the bear meat
   hamburger produced by the Burger Tsar Fast Food Chain?

To answer these questions, read on!

                               Red Square

To  the  right  outside  the  Hotel  is  the way to the gum store in Red
Square.   The  queue  is  huge  so  point to the right of the bae of the
statue  and  click when another caption comes up.  This takes you across
to  the  burger  joint  McRomanov.   Once  there, go to the bottom right
corner  to  examine  the old red car and find a broken camera.  Take the
broken camera and examine it to find a brand new film and then walk over
to  the  burger  bar.   Buy a vodkacola and then a sandwich.  When asked
Maxi  or  Gigantic,  go for Gigantic, then go for the great bear burger.
Don't  eat your burger and don't drink your cola, just take the salt and
the bread from the counter before walking back over to Red Square.

Head straight to the first man in the queue for the gum store.  You will
talk  to  a large bearded man, who tells you that the queue is for razor
blades  which  have only just come back into stock after months.  Finish
the  conversation and go to the Japanese tourist, standing in the middle
of  the  square.  Talk to the tourist and give him your camera so he can
take a picture of you with the statue in the background.

Repeat  this  operation  a  few  times before the picture is correct, so
after  taking  each photo examine it.  After the third duff picture your
film runs out.  Ask to borrow one from the tourist, before selecting the
spare  film until you manage to reload it.  The fourth photo is correct,
showing  Doug beside the statue about half it's size.  This will help to
work out how high the statue is in cans of Vodkacola.

Examine  the  photo  then  measure the can of cola with the tape measure
that  you  found in the case.  To do this, select the can and keep doing
so until Doug works out what to do.  The can is 12cm tall, Doug is 168cm
tall  and the statue is twice his height, so the statue is the height of
28 cans of Vodkacola.  This answers Question 2 on the free ticket.

In  order to answer Question 3, go back to the scales to the left of the
Newsagents.   On  arrival,  weigh  yourself  and then eat the burger and
weigh  yourself  again.   The  difference  gives  you  the weight of the
burger.   You will find that Doug has put on seven pounds, so the weight
of the burger is seven pounds.

                                The Park

Go  to your hotel room again and pick up your computer before heading to
the  park.   In  the centre of the park is a small boy sitting on a park
bench playing a hand-held console.  Go up to him and swap your laptop PC
for  his cheap console.  This may sound like a crazy idea, but this is a
crazy  game  and the cartridge that you find in the console will come in
very  handy.   Go  further into the park and wait around until you see a
street  peddler.   Talk  to him and he tries to sell you a watch, before
turning and walking away.

Remember  where  you see him for future reference before heading for the
Rail  Station, found on the road behind the Newsagents.  When you arrive
at  the  Station go in and select the cartridge from the console and use
it on the cash machine to the left.  This overrides the system and gives
you 100 Rouble dollars.

You  will  come  back to the station later in the game, but for now head
back  to  the  park  after  noticing  the KGB TV building is next to the
station.   En  route  to  the  park, stop off and talk to the man at the
front  of  the  queue  again.   Doug  will  ask  him  to  buy  a  tin of
Dostoyevsky's  Caviar in return for a roll of toilet paper.  Now go back
to  the  park  and purchase the toilet roll from the peddler.  This will
cost you the 100 Rouble dollars you got from the cash machine.

Once you have the loo roll head back to the queue to swap it for the tin
of caviar.  Now examine the tin to find the answer to the final question
on  the  free  ticket.  There aren't any R's on the label!  Now that you
know all three answers, go straight back to the hotel foyer.

                                The Show

Once  you arrive back at the hotel lobby, go up to the Porter and ask to
borrow a pen to fill in the ticket.  Select the ticket to fill it in and
then  put the ticket in the envelope in your inventory, using the pen to
fill  out  the  address.   Next, select the stamp from your inventory in
order to post the ticket correctly.

Leave  the  hotel  and  go  to  the KGB Studios located next to the Rail
Station.   When  you  get  there, post the letter.  Now rush back to the
hotel  and  ask the Porter if there's any mail for you.  The Porter will
now hand you your reply from the Studio.

Open  the  reply and discover an invite to The Russian Doll show and the
tickets.   Don't waste time, get over to the KGB Studios and hand in the
ticket  to  the  receptionist.  She gives you a badge and directs you to
Studio 5 for the show.  When you arrive you will be put straight on air.
There  are  three questions about thieves to answer and, if you get them
correct,  you  go  on to answer the big question and win an air balloon.
Don't  worry if you get the questions wrong, you simply take a different
route for the rest of Part One.  Both are explained here.

                          If You Win The Quiz

Go  back  to  the  hotel room and enter the toilet after collecting your
prize  and  adding the studio lights to your inventory.  This leads to a
new  scene  high  above the city in your air balloon.  Fly to the museum
and  land on the roof.  Once inside the museum, go to the Crown Room and
switch  on  the  lights near the crown.  This blocks out the photo cells
stopping the alarm going off.  Now go into the next room and combine the
cassette  with  the  recorder  and  use  it.   This  will  blast out the
wonderful sounds of opera, breaking the glass cases in the process.  Now
pick  up  the  ring and computer and go into the Crown Room.  Select the
diamond  ring  and  use it on the crown case to cut a hole in the glass.
The  crown is now ready to be snatched but, unfortunately, not by you as
another  thief  suddenly  appears and snatches the crown from under your

You  end  up  in  your  hotel  room  again,  with  your picture in every
newspaper  in  Moscow.   You  have to get the hell out of here, but how?
Firstly,  go  to  the Newsagents and buy a copyof Consolphobia magazine.
Examine  it  and  find  that  the  password  for the Trotsky's mainframe
computer  is  the  name  of the tenor who sings with Donna Catale at the
Bolshoi.   Leave  the  hotel and head down to the Burger place where you
meet  some  dodgy friends, Alex and Kos.  They tell you that they have a
plan to break into the Trotsky Software mainframe and that they want you
to  do  it.   In  return  they will give you a passport so you can leave
Moscow before you're arrested.

They  go  on to tell you that the mainframe computer is on the Worldwide
Communication Network and that their E-Mail address is Lenin.Komm.  Head
back  to your hotel room and combinr the TV remote control with the tape
recorder  and  then attach that to the ZX81.  All you have to do is find
the  mode number for the WWC Network.  To do this, go to the KGB Studios
and  examine  the reception desk to find a scrap of paper.  Look at that
piece of paper to gain the Internet number for the WWC Network, which is
KGB.NET  007  6  1 0.  Now you can use it on the telephone in your hotel
room  to get the tape recording for Alex and Kos.  Take the tape to Alex
and  Kos  to  get your passport and then head swiftly to the station and
show your passport to the guard in order to board the Orient Express and
get the hell out of there!

                          If You Lose The Quiz

You  win  a  consolation  prize of a keyring and then you're left in the
Studio.   Pick  up  the  studio lights and use the keyring on the doll's
head  in  order  to  enter a secret passage leading to the Museum.  Once
inside  the  Museum,  go to the Crown Room and switch on the lights near
the crown.  This stops the alarm.  Now go into the next room and combine
the  cassette  and  the  recorder  and then use it.  From this point on,
follow the procedures laid out in the 'If You Win' solution.